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Chemistry I & II Research
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American Chemical Society Citation Style

Developed by the American Chemical Society, this style may be used for research papers in the field of chemistry.

Reference Book in the GTC Library

Reference Book in the GTC Library

Sample Citations

Tthe format for a JACS (Journal of the American Chemical Society)  article citation:

Last name, Initials; Last name, Initials (etc. for all authors).  Journal title abbreviation in italics, publication year in boldvolume number in italics, page numbers, first-last.   


Tresca, B.; Higbee, M.; Mills, N.S.  J. Org. Chem201176, 5539-5546. 

*Note - colors used to illustrate italics and bold. Citation is not in color.

Tips to Recognize a Source

One way to find some more relevant sources about your topic is to make use of the bibliography at the end of scholarly articles - especially review articles!  In order to find the source listed in the biblioraphy, you mus first identify the type of source you are looking for.  Given a citation, how can you tell what kind of source it is?  Here are tips on what to look out for...

Book - includes publisher name

Journal article - includes volume/issue #

Conference proceeding - includes conference name, location

Patent - includes patent #, which typically begins with two letters

Web site - includes URL

Dissertation - includes university name

(courtesy of Rutgers University Libraries)