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Horticulture Research
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How Do I Cite Sources? (MLA Style)

How to copy & paste an MLA citation
  • Highlight the citation
  • Right-click to Copy the citation
  • Open a Word document
  • Right-click on the Word document and choose Paste Option: Merge Formatting to paste the citation into the document
How to create the hanging indent
  • Highlight the citation
  • Right-click on the citation
  • Click on Paragraph
  • Set all Indentation and Spacing to 0"
  • Set Special: Hanging
  • Set Line Spacing: Double
How to copy and paste in a Macbook
  1. Select the item you want to Copy.
  2. Hold down the Command key (⌘) and press ( C )
  3. Inside the location where you want to save the file, hold down the Command key (⌘) and press (V).
  4. Create a hanging indent by selecting the line you want indented and then holding down the Command key (⌘) and press ( T ).


How Do I Cite Sources? (APA Style)