Standard |
Performance Indicators |
Select Outcomes |
The information literate student: |
accesses needed information effectively and efficiently
Selects the most appropriate investigative methods or information retrieval systems for accessing the needed information |
Identifies the types of information contained in a particular system and the types of sources in a particular database (e.g., full text, abstract, scholarly, popular) |
Selects appropriate information retrieval system(s) based on content and its organization, help features, reference sources, periodical databes, Web, etc.. |
Identifies other investigative methods not likely to be available via information retrieval systems (e.g., surveys, laboratory experiments, fieldwork) |
Constructs and implements effectively-designed search strategies |
Develops a research plan appropriate to the information retrieval system(s) and/or investigative method |
Identifies keywords, phrases, synonyms and related terms for the information needed |
Selects appropriate vocabulary (e.g. controlled) specific to the discipline or information retrieval source (e.g., subject headings) |
Constructs and implements a search strategy using appropriate search features for the information retrieval system selected (e.g., Boolean operators, truncation, and proximity for search engines; internal organizers such as indexes for books |
Uses help screems and other user aids (e.g., librarians) to improve search results |
Retrieves information online or in person using a variety of methods |
Uses various search systems to retrieve information in a variety of formats (e.g., library catalog, reference sources, periodical databases) |
Distinguishes among citations to identify various types of materials (e.g., books, periodical articles, essays in anthologies, encyclopedia articles) |
Uses various classification schemes and other systems (e.g., call number systems or indexes) to locate information resources within the library or to identify specific sites for physical exploration |
Uses specialized online or in person services available at the institution to retrieve information needed (e.g., interlibrary loan, librarian services) |
Refines the search strategy if necessary |
Assesses the quantity, quality, and relevance of the search results to determine whether alternative information retrieval systems or investigative methods should be used |
Identifies gaps in information needed from the search results |
Revises the search strategy if necessary to obtain more information |
Extracts, records, and manages the information and its sources |
Records all pertinent citation information for future reference |
Demonstrates an understanding of how to organize information gathered |
Differentiates between the types of sources cited and understands the elements and correct syntax of a citation for a wide range of sources |