GALILEO - GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online
GALILEO is an online library portal to authoritative, subscription-only information that isn’t available through free search engines or Web directories.
GALILEO is an initiative of the Board of Regents, University System of Georgia.
Please access GALILEO with your Single Sign On from GTC Dashboard or Blackboard
Using encyclopedias in the early stages of the research process is a strategy that will help you save time and make your life easier!
Encyclopedia articles are condensed topic overviews. You can get great background information and context for your later research.
Encyclopedia articles provide clues to search terms (keywords) that will help you focus on your topic and that you can use in database searches. Good search results depends on the search terms that you use.
Your instructor may say that encyclopedias are not an acceptable source. This means that you need additional sources for your research, not that you can't use encyclopedias. Use them! They are credible sources.
General encyclopedias cover all topics. Encyclopedia Britannica is a general encyclopedia. GVRL and Credo contain general and specialized encyclopedias.
A specialized encyclopedia is usually limited to a specific topic or range of topics within an area of interest such as medicine or business.
GVRL and Credo are reference databases that have both general and specialized encyclopedias.
If you find an article or book title that we do not own, we can request if for you from another library through InterLibrary Loan.
To place a request call the library at 678-226-6388 or visit the library in Bldg. 100 / Room 402.
Be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to receive a book. InterLibrary Loan can sometimes take several weeks.
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