In-text citations give credit within sentences and paragraphs inside your paper. The citations identify what information you are quoting and paraphrasing and where you found that information.
Include the last name of the author(s) and year of publication.
Add the page or paragraph number(s) for direct quotations and paraphrases.
Smith states . . . (2001).
Solomon and Smith (2010) reveal . . . (p. 425).
A study in 2010. . . (Solomon & Smith, p. 425).
Only information not already contained in your sentence is necessary in the parenthetical reference.
When using the exact words from a source or paraphrasing, add the page number(s) or, if there are no page numbers, add the paragraph number(s).
One page - As explained by Brown (2015), "..." (p. 202).
Two or more pages - (Jones, 2015, pp. 202-210)
No pages? Count paragraphs - (Brown, 2014, para. 3)
Within the paper, capitalize:
Capitalize and italicize titles of journals, magazines, and newspapers.
E.g. The New York Times, Journal of American Culture
Do not capitalize:
To cite a source within another source, add "as cited in" and list the original author(s) and date.
E.g. Taylor (as cited in Smith, 2015) argued . . .
Smith (2015) would be the reference to include on your reference page.