GALILEO - GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online
GALILEO is an online library portal to authoritative, subscription-only information that isn’t available through free search engines or Web directories.
GALILEO is an initiative of the Board of Regents, University System of Georgia.
Please access GALILEO with your Single Sign On from GTC Dashboard or Blackboard
Multi-ethnic men looking at laptop. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. .
LibGuides are our way to connect with GTC information seekers and users.
You have access to right-cleared images for use in Blackboard and presentations.
Not on the library shelf? Consider eBooks! You have access to a couple of fantastic collections to support all your work & lifelong learning needs.
Ask a question and find your answer in this user-generated knowledgebase about the Library and the College.
Encyclopedias are a great place to start the research process and for getting background information. We always recommend these sources to students.
Many GALILEO databases are provided to GTC through TCSG.
The GTC Library purchases additional databases relevant to your needs.