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About the Library
Gwinnett Tech Library – Your Partner in Education

Borrowing Materials

Borrowing Privileges

Borrowing privileges are available to Gwinnett Technical College (GTC) registered students (part-time & full-time) in good standing, faculty (adjunct & regular), staff, alumni, and currently-enrolled Adult Education students. Borrowers are verified against active student registration databases and picture identification (student ID or driver’s license) is used to verify identity at checkout.

Cooperative Agreements

Currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff have access to borrowing privileges at Georgia Gwinnett University, Gwinnett County Public Library, and the network of TCSG libraries. The extent of these privileges is established by the lending library.

Borrowing Materials & Loan Periods

To ensure equitable access to materials, limits or restrictions on number of items and/or titles that can be checked out may apply. Priority access to library resources is afforded to credit students.

Physical Resource
Adult Ed 
TCSG Reciprocal

Three Print Items
ESL, Grammar & GED Titles

Three print items

Books 21 Days / 2 Renewals 21 Days / 2 Renewals 21 Days / 1 Renewal 21 Days / 
Newspapers Library Use Library Use Library Use Library Use
Faculty (Course) Reserves 2 Hours Library Use 2 Hours Library Use* 2 Hours Library Use Library Use
Reference Items Library Use Library Use* Library Use Library Use
Periodicals  21 Days 21 Days Library Use

Library Use

Library Use - Items to be used in library only
* 3 Days by special arrangement.


Most library circulating materials may be renewed providing no holds or requests are pending on the item. Items may be renewed either in person, by telephone or online.

Blocked Library Cards

Materials may not be checked out if a customer owes $10.00 or greater.

Library Extended Loan Fees

The charge for overdue materials is 10 cents per day per item after the due date. Library customers are responsible for returning material on time, either in person or by placing items in the book drop beside the entrance to the Library.

Lost or Damaged Materials

Library customers are responsible for lost and damaged materials as per library policy. Customers will be charged for the cost of the item plus any processing fees. Damaged material is treated as lost and replacement fees will be assessed accordingly. Theft or vandalism of library material may result in prosecution and/or disciplinary action.

Students with unreturned materials &/or delinquent accounts from loan fees and lost or damaged charges will have a  hold placed on their student record. This may interrupt access to registration, financial aid, grades, transcripts and/or graduation.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) & TCSG TechShare

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) & TCSG TechShare are services through which print materials not owned by the Library may be borrowed from other library systems. The Library is a member of the Worldshare Interlibrary Loan network. Membership provides access to the collections of member libraries in Georgia and nationally.

Library customers initiate ILL requests by filling out an “Interlibrary Loan Request Form” and agreeing to all terms and conditions of the lending library. Requests for media such as videos, Books on CD or tape or music, cannot be accepted.

Loan period and renewal are determined by the lending institution and lending institutions may require that their materials be used in the library. It is difficult to determine the length of time necessary to fill an ILL request.  Customers will be notified of the availability of requested materials within two to four weeks of submitting their request.

TechShare - Request an Item from any of the Technical College System of Georgia *
* Search for materials within library catalog. If the item is held by another TCSG Library, select the request option to start the Tech Share process. Borrowing materials within the TCSG consortium is typically much faster than traditional ILL.

Creating Requests

  1. Sign in to Library Catalog (Primo)
  2. Search for an item
  3. Select the institution to borrow from and select Request.
  4. The Pickup Institution will default to the location that you are requesting from. Change Pickup Institution to your institution.
  5. Select Request
  6. At this point, the request is in the owning library's task queue