Generative Artificial Intelligence (generative AI) is considered an unauthorized aid. Students may not use generative AI to complete assignments and assessments unless the use of AI is explicitly permitted by the course instructor. Generative AI usage may be penalized within course policies and as described by the Gwinnett Technical College Academic Policies at the instructor’s discretion.
If there is evidence that generative AI was used to complete a graded or assessed submission, the instructor will notify the student in writing to their GTC student email. As part of the investigative process, the instructor may request a student meeting and/or evidence that the submission was originally produced by the student. Any point deductions or penalties may occur at the instructor’s discretion according to course policies.
It is the student’s responsibility to check the syllabus for each class they are enrolled in to see if the use of AI is permitted.
Gwinnett Tech considers academic integrity an integral part of learning. Any infraction of this honesty policy is detrimental to the student’s education and the integrity of the College. The following cases of dishonesty are strictly forbidden.
Unauthorized Aids
Use or attempted use of prohibited materials, information, or study aids in an academic exercise used to provide unfair advantage to that student or used to convey information to another student.
For example, the following cases of dishonesty are strictly forbidden, including but not limited to: