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Films On Demand

Gwinnett Tech Library - Your Partner in Education

Embed a Video in Blackboard

You can embed a Films on Demand video in Blackboard. 


Creat a User Account

Create a user account in Films on Demand in order to make custom playlists and save favorite videos for viewing!  

  1. To get started, click the text that says "Create Account" in the top right of the Films On Demand screen.
  2. Follow the on screen instructions to create a new user account.  You will need to provide your name, a valid email address, and choose a password.  We recommend you use your GTC email to create this account.



Embed a Title URL or Segment URL in Blackboard

You also have the ability to copy and paste the Title URL or a Segment(s) URL in Blackboard. Title is the default URL, scroll down under the video description to see the URL. For Segment URLs, click on the segment title and you will see that the Title URL has now changed to a Segment URL. Off-campus students will be asked for the current GALILEO password before the video will play.

Custom Segment Tools

Custom Segment tool gives users the option to create their own unique custom segments. You can use the new Custom Segment tool to identify the start and end times, and provide a title and description, for a new segment that you create from any video that is part of your collection. Perfect for adding to a playlist and sharing with your students!

Create Playlists

  • A Playlist is a customized list of segments and/or video titles that you create
  • Each Playlist has a unique URL. This enables you to readily access the Playlist, which you can show in the classroom, email to your students, or add to Blackboard
  • You will need to create a User Account to create Playlists 

Blackboard Video Integration Tips

Search Films on Demand

Films On Demand

Offers higher education institutions thousands of full-length streaming 

If you are using Blackboard as your Learning Management System, here are some specific tips to help you integrate both Title/Segment URLs and an Embedded Player. * When embedding videos, add the video as a Course Document. Be sure to click on the "HTM...