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Remote Teaching

Teaching remotely using Blackboard

Consider Your Course Priorities

     Course Priorities


Focus on the Basics: Moving to remote instruction doesn’t mean you have to become an online learning expert. It’s more important to effectively communicate with your students, to set reasonable expectations on course activity and assignments, and to stay flexible. 

Prioritize: Realizing that you won’t be able to perfectly replicate a face-to-face course in light of changing circumstances, identify your teaching and learning priorities during the campus closure, and focus on those. 

Set Expectations: Communicate to your students what you expect from them in the upcoming weeks. Be clear and specific. It's a good time to review your syllabus and communicate a plan for the rest of the semester. Be mindful that students may be dealing with a lack of  internet connectivity which could impede their access to Bb and other resources, or they could be managing their own illness or that of family members. 

Be Flexible: Be sure to consider requests for extensions or accommodations equitably and to contemplate alternative methods for completing course assignments and work that are adapted to the online environment, student usability accommodations and any extenuating circumstances.