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Art Appreciation Research
Gwinnett Tech Library - Your Partner in Education

Books @ GTC Library

Here is where to find materials on your topic when in the library

  • N     Fine Arts
  • N     Visual Arts
  • NA   Architecture
  • NB   Sculpture
  • NC   Drawing, Design, Illustration
  • ND   Painting
  • NE   Print Media
  • NK   Decorative Arts
  • NX   Arts in General


EBSCO eBooks

InterLibrary Loan

If you find an article or book title that we do not own, we can request if for you from another library through InterLibrary Loan.

To place a request call the library at 678-226-6388 or visit the library in Bldg. 100 / Room 402.

Be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to receive a book. InterLibrary Loan can sometimes take several weeks.

TechShare - Request an Item for Pickup from any of the Technical College System of Georgia

Creating Requests

  1. Sign in to the Library Catalog (Primo)
  2. Search for an item
  3. Select the institution to borrow from and select Request.
  4. The Pickup Institution will default to the location that you are requesting from. Change Pickup Institution to your institution.
  5. Select Request