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FYES 1000 Final Project

Use these library research sources to create your PowerPoint.

Access Ferguson's Career Guidance Center

Click on the link above to access Ferguson's Career Guidance Center. Off-campus access requires GALILEO password.

You will find this kind of information:

  • Career & Industry Overviews

  • Profession Profiles

    • Skills and personal traits required for the job

  • Job Openings (Indeed)

  • Launch Your Career (interviewing, resumes, cover letters)

Search for Your Job Profile

Enter your occupation into the search box. Select a "Profession Profile" from the list of results to focus on your occupation.

Create a Citation

When viewing a Job Profile, use the citation tool on the right-side of the screen. Copy & paste the citation into a document that you can use to create your Works Cited page.

You can also print, save, or email the Job Profile information.