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FYES 1000 Final Project

Use these library research sources to create your PowerPoint.

Access ImagQuest

Click on the link above to access ImageQuest. Off-campus access requires GALILEO password.

Search for Images

Enter your search term (or terms) into the search box. Select from the list of results to save an image that you want to use.

Images add visual interest to presenations.

Save Images to Insert Into Your PowerPoint

Click on the image. When the large version* opens up, right click the image and "save as" to your desktop or other computer location (e.g., a folder that you created for images or for your course).

*The smaller version of the image includes descriptive information about the image. 

Create Citations for Images

When viewing the image version that also includes information about the picture (e.g., keywords, credit, description) notice the "CITE" tool.

Use the CITE tool easily create an MLA Citation.

Copy & paste the citation into a document that you can use to create your Works Cited page.