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T.R.A.A.P. Test

The T.R.A.A.P. Test

Evaluate Sources Based on the Following Criteria:

Timeliness, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose/Point of View

  • Timeliness
    • When was the information published or posted?
    • Has the information been revised or updated? When? Recently?
    • Is it current enough for your topic?
  • Relevance
    • Does the information relate to your topic?
    • Does the information meet the stated requirements of the assignment?
    • Is the information at an appropriate level (i.e. not too elementary or advanced for your needs)?
    • Who is the intended audience?
    • What kind of information is included in the resource?
    • Is better information available elsewhere?


    • Is the information accurate?
    • Are there spelling, grammar or other typographical errors?
    • Where does the information come from?
    • Does the creator provide references or sources for data or quotations?
  • Authority
    • Who is the creator or author?
    • What are the credentials or qualifications to write on the topic?
    • Who is the publisher or sponsor? Are they reputable?
    • Is there contact information, such as publisher or email address?
    • Does the URL reveal anything about the author or source? (examples: .com, .edu, .org, .net, .gov)
  • Purpose/Point of View
    • What is the purpose of the information? To inform? Teach? Sell? Entertain? Persuade?
    • Is the information fact? Opinion? Propaganda?
    • Does the point of view appear objective and impartial?
    • Are there political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional or personal biases?

(Adapted from various versions in the LibGuides Community, infoLab, and California State University, Chico)

Evaluate Information

Not all information is good or acceptable for your research.

The T.R.A.A.P. Test* provides criteria to evaluate your sources of information. Even if you use "scholarly" articles, you still need to question their value to you and your work. ALWAYS EVALUATE ANY SOURCE.


*(Adapted from various versions in the LibGuides Community, infoLab, and California State University, Chico)