This account has been issued by TCSG. TCSG does not allow the use of course manager accounts to conduct grade related activities. This means you should not use your manager account to grade assignments, make grade changes, override grades, etc. either in your own courses or other CRNs within your department. Grading should be handled by the instructor of record under the instructor’s own login. The manager account should only be used to observe instructors and to manage lesson content and course settings.
If you have to take over the grading responsibilities for an instructor (even if it’s temporary) please contact Academic Affairs to have you added to the CRN in banner so that you are an official instructor in the course. Then, you will be able to access the course with your faculty account, and you can conduct grading as normal.
Certain situations may come up where the instructor of record is not available to make grade changes. We will address those situations on a case by case basis. Please reach out to Gina Rosbury at