A article in Time Magazine, “How to Bring Our Schools Out of the 20th Century” summarized findings from the 2006 report “Tough Choices or Tough Times” from The New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce. According to the Time article, there is a need for students
The last point from the Time article speaks directly to “information literacy,” which we incorporate into library instruction, one of our key services here @ GTC. Information literacy is defined as a set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” It forms the basis of lifelong learning, common to all disciplines, learning environments, and levels of education.
The pages in this LibGuide, KNOW, ACCESS, EVALUATE, USE, LEGAL-ETHICAL contain an outline of information literacy standards, performance indicators and selected outcomes.* Aspects of information literacy principles are reflected in campus-wide student-learning outcomes such as critical thinking, problem solving, technology literacy and technical proficiency. The library supports these outcomes and student lifelong learning through library instruction services and resources.